Jersey Sees Lowest Birth Rate Since 1945 and Highest Deaths in Nearly Three Decades
Birth rates in Jersey reached their lowest level since 1945 in 2024, with a 10% decline from the previous year, according to the island’s superintendent registrar. A total of 716 babies were born, continuing a six-year trend in which more boys were born than girls.
The most popular baby names of the year were Theodore for boys and Isla for girls.
Meanwhile, Jersey recorded its highest number of deaths since 1995, with 877 registered in 2024. Nearly half (46%) of these occurred in care facilities, and the proportion of cremations rose to 81%.
On a more positive note, marriages saw a slight increase, with 381 couples tying the knot—a 2% rise from 2023. Civil weddings grew by 10% and made up 83% of all marriages, while religious ceremonies declined by 30%.
Superintendent registrar Claire Follain noted that the data provides valuable insight into islanders’ lives and choices, highlighting ongoing trends such as the falling birth rate and the fact that deaths have outnumbered births for the third consecutive year. She added, “It is encouraging to see a slight increase in marriages taking place in Jersey in 2024, halting the steady decline seen in recent years.”