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Rise in demand for homeless services - data

The number of islanders accessing homeless accommodation and service providers in Jersey has risen, the latest data has shown.

The Homelessness in Jersey report found 246 people used the service between July and September 2024 compared with 204 people in the previous quarter between April and June.

It is the second report of its kind to provide data on figures that could "help tackle issues" surrounding homelessness, Housing Minister Deputy Sam Mézec said.

Mézec said "behind the statistics there are many personal stories and experiences of homelessness".

The report said the main reason women were homeless were they were at risk of, experiencing or escaping domestic abuse.

The main reason men were homeless was substance use, the report said. It found 49 people under the age of 26 were reported as experiencing homelessness, 59 people were living in "insecure" housing at the time and 11 people had nowhere to live at all.

A total of 26% referrals were made by agencies and 48% were self-referred, said the report.

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