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Work licensing relaxed to support storm clear-up

The Government of Jersey has relaxed business licensing rules to allow operators from outside of the island to aid in storm repairs. Damage was caused across the island last week as it was hit by hurricane force winds and a tornado with residents.

Deputy Lucy Stephenson, Assistant Chief Minister, has signed a ministerial decision to allow businesses from outside of Jersey to be able operate in the island for up to 30 days without a business licence.

"We hope that this small change offers assistance to local businesses and residents as they seek to repair, rebuild and recover from Storm Ciarán," she said.

The government has asked that members of the public be vigilant of anyone looking to take advantage of the aftermath of the storm.

It has advised islanders verify credentials and confirm everything in writing. Those businesses who choose to operate in the island would be monitored by the Business Hub Unit at Customer and Local Services, the government said. A licence would be needed for any businesses looking to operate after 3 December, it added.


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