People are being asked to share information on how they travel to the existing General Hospital on Gloucester Street and to the current Overdale site, and what their preferred mode of transport might be for interim facility at the former Les Quennevais School and the new hospital at Overdale.
Responses should be based on the most recent trip anyone has had to either the General Hospital or Overdale as either a patient or visitor. A similar, and separate, survey has been launched for Health and Community Services employees.
Details of the survey are printed inside the latest Our Hospital newsletter, which is being delivered to all Island homes this week.
Deputy Chief Minister, and Chair of the Our Hospital Political Oversight Group, Senator Lyndon Farnham, said: 'The results of this survey will play a vital role in the careful and efficient planning and design of our healthcare facilities at our new hospital at Overdale.
'By incorporating this information into the planning phase, it ensures that the future needs of patients, visitors and staff can be effectively met.'
Islanders who wish to learn more, or take part in the short survey, are being asked to visit Anyone who would prefer to complete a hard copy of the survey can request one by emailing the Our Hospital project team on
The survey is live until Saturday 27 March,