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St Clement Road Closed Permanently After Trial

Rue de Maupertuis in St Clement has been closed permanently to through traffic after a one-year trial to encourage students to walk to and from school.

It was shut in April 2019 with the aim of creating a safer way for pupils to get to and from Le Rocquier School.

The government says since then, there's been a 10% increase in pupils using the road during morning peak hour and a reduction in traffic at the junction of Rue de Maupertuis, Rue de Samares and Rue de la Croix.

However, in vehicle count checks at the junction between 7:30am and 9am before and after the trial closure, there was an increase of 67 vehicles travelling northbound along Rue de Samares. That equates to one vehicle every 45 seconds.

Growth, Housing and Environment has described that as 'a minor increase' which could be explained by 'background traffic growth or daily variations in traffic flow.'


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