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Closer To Home Event Success

The Government of Jersey, in partnership with the Health and Care Partnership Group, hosted a vibrant and engaging "Closer to Home" event on a sunny day in the Royal Square.

The event on Tuesday 18th July, held under the theme "Stay healthy, live longer, and be happy," showcased various organisations' services to improve the lives of the Jersey community.

The Closer to Home event brought together 31 community organisations, charities, and Government representatives, all working diligently towards a common goal - to ensure the well-being and happiness of the Island's residents.

Highlights of the event included:

  1. Showcasing Latest Technology: Airtel-Vodafone, the provider of telecare for Health and Community Services, showed attendees their cutting-edge technology. This demonstration highlighted the crucial role of technology in enhancing healthcare services and supporting the community's well-being.

  2. Beresford Street Kitchen's Delectable Offerings: Attendees were treated to an array of food from Beresford Street Kitchen, emphasising the importance of healthy food options.

  3. Rehabilitation Equipment Demonstration: Jersey Cheshire Home provided an insightful demonstration of their rehabilitation equipment, showcasing the commitment to helping individuals regain independence and mobility.

  4. Enhancing Mobility: Shopmobility displayed a range of mobility scooters and wheelchairs, underlining their efforts to ensure accessibility and independence for individuals with mobility challenges.

Deputy Malcolm Ferey, Assistant Social Security Minister, was delighted with the event's outcome. He said: "The Closer to Home event truly exemplifies the dedication of all stakeholders in universally fostering a community that prioritises health and happiness.

"It is inspiring to witness organisations coming together to share knowledge, resources, and ideas for the betterment of our Island. This event has demonstrated that by working hand-in-hand, we can achieve remarkable outcomes when we unite, to deliberately create a brighter future for Jersey."


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